A lot has occurred since the last MVC e-news.
The MVC had a combined (with the Elks and Full Time Chapters) Pre-rally at Lake
Delton (the Dells), Wisconsin on July 18-21st. An enjoyable time was had by all.
We had a "welcome" meal of Wisconsin brats; visited the Carr Valley Cheese
Company (where they had plenty of samples and many purchases were made); had a
"pot luck" meal and afterwards had a "white elephant" auction; had a
'humdinger' of a breakfast at Paul Bunyan's, then the Lumberjack show; rode the
"ducks;' and wrapped up with a roast beef dinner when the "sheriff" announced
fines (of 25 cents) for infractions he noted by members during the rally.
Combining the proceeds from the "none essentials" auction and the fines
collected by the "sheriff," a check for $260 has been sent to the American Heart
The annual audit of the
MVC Treasurer's records was done during the Pre-rally by members Steve Czartsy
and Jack Hauswirth. The records were found to be in order.
The MVC held their annual business meeting in
Madison, Wisconsin at the Alliant Energy Center on Thursday,
July 30, 2015 during the Family Motor Coach Re-union. An election of
officers for the new two year term from summer 2015 to the summer meeting in
2017. Elected were President: John Lee, Vice President: Gary Wilson, Secretary:
Carol Lee, Treasurer: Jack Hauswirth, National Director: Bob Cerney and
Alternate National Director: Rich Strait.
It was suggested, discussed and approved by
member vote to give a contribution of $1000 to the Fisher House. See; for
information for their help to veteran's families.
A "Social" at the Alliant Cent was not
feasible as with so many locations which are requiring all food service
come through them. The local Elks Lodge invited us to be their guests at their
Friday Buffet. Those of us who went were treated with a delicious and plentiful
meal at a reasonable price. They also gave all a free drink with the Chapter
providing a second free drink. Those who didn't attend missed a great meal and
Future Rallies were discussed. Bob
Cerney volunteered to work on a Pre-rally prior to the FMCA Reunion in Perry,
GA in March of 2016. More information will be forthcoming. It behooves the MVC
to have a Chapter Rally within the INTO Area Rally April 15-18, 2016 in
Tallahassee, FL. A Wagon Master is needed! Contact me for more information and
Enuf for now!
John Lee, F202724
President MVC FMCA
Phone 256-366-6630