Veterans Business Meeting
5, 2016
was called to order at 8:05 by MVC member Gary
Milner (standing in for President John Lee).
The group was led in prayer by member Dellward Jackson followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance led by Gary Milner.
Present: 30 members and spouses. See attached attendance sheet
George Schremp spoke to the group about the 2017 International Area Rally in Branson, MO. He encouraged everyone to attend.
Milner indicated that he was standing in for President John Lee who could not
be in attendance at the rally. He shared
all dues are suspended for this year; normally $15 for new members and $10 for
renewal. This is done to encourage new
Milner indicated that a Nominating Committee has been established to select the
officers for the upcoming MVC election.
The Nominating Committee is: Gary
Milner, Roy Holt and Dellward Jackson.
The committee is will be seeking candidates for all office positions.
Milner summarized the electronic Treasurer’s report presented by Skip
Kazmarek. The chapter currently has
$9,278.31. Motion was made by Dellward
Jackson, seconded by George Young to accept Treasurer’s report was read. Vote was taken and was unanimously approved.
Milner indicated that the Audit Committee has completed their audit for the
July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 bank statements, records of receipts and
disbursements of that period and found them to be in compliance with customary
accounting practices. No discrepancies
were noted. The committee members
are: Chairman, Shirley Clark, Member
Mike Neighbours, and member Bill Dees.
The motion was made by Sonny Gillespie to accept the report as read and
seconded by Tom Hoffmeier. Vote was
taken and was unanimously approved.
Sonny Gillespie
noted the Pre-rally held by the Elks Chapter was poorly attended. He noted there were only 5 members
present. His concern is that even our
senior members of the organization are not in attendance. It was felt by the group that better
communication of upcoming events would be helpful. It was noted that the Elks Clubs are very
supportive of our American Veterans and members are strongly encouraged to
A lengthy
discussion about communication that is not getting to each member of the organization. It was suggested that maybe FMCA can possibly
add a space on their enrollment for indicating if the member is a Veteran or
not might be helpful. This would
generate a notification to our chapter that a Veteran has just enrolled and we
can seek their enrollment in MVC. It was
suggested by George Young that we might want to look at changing or modifying
our Bylaws to include a position for VP of Media. That position responsibility would be to
communicate to all members of the Chapter.
The discussion led to the possibility of using an additional
communication avenue of RVillage as a way in which to communicate to
members. It was noted that the current
enrollment for that group is only 16 members, therefore members need to enroll
to participate in further discussions and communications with the Chapter. It was also noted that the MVC enrollment
form might need to include the best way in which to communicate with member,
i.e., e-mail, text or mail might be needed.
1. Dellward Jackson was asked to become the
Chairman for the Nominating Committee and he was duly elected. It was noted that elections for the vacant
positions will be held in Indianapolis
in July 2017. It was noted that members
need to be notified of exactly what positions are open for election.
2. Discussion on setting
the pre-rally as a post-rally due to the July 4th weekend
involved. A Wagonmaster is also needed
for that event.
3. A member indicated that
he went to the vendor booth for US RV and received a 10% military
discount. Members are encouraged to see
his booth and thank him.
4. Dellward Jackson gave a
summary of the Governing Board that was held on August 3, 2016.
a. Because of the membership changing, i.e. the
sales projections changing in the market for recreational vehicles, that FMCA
is looking at establishing a separate Corporation for Towables. This process could take 3 or more years;
therefore, the discussion is just starting.
b. FMCA membership dues
will be increasing effective 1 October 2016 to reflect a $10 increase to $60
annually for all members. This increase
is largely due to the increase cost of FMCAssist. Currently claims are exceeding income. Currently FMCA membership is over 70,000;
July noticing a 344 membership increase.
Even with those increases, funds are needed to sustain this valuable
benefit. Large discussion indicating
that the funding for this benefit is coming from interest gained for our
Bennett indicating that she would like to see members salute when the Pledge of
Allegiance is given in all venues. This
is a teaching tool for others to note who might be Veterans and/or Active
members of our military. She indicating
that she had stars from flags that had been retired for anyone that might want
d. RVillage is teaming up
with FMCA for a communication avenue for all members. Currently RVillage is experiencing over 300
new members a month. It was noted that
the “new generation” of communications has become a great communication device
for everyone.
about the upcoming dates for Chandler is for
was taken at 9:50 a.m.