It is that time of year again! Time to renew your membership dues.
We have set up an online way to pay using PayPal (safe and secure) so you can now use a bank account or a credit or debit card. You can choose to renew for one or two years using the online system.
Use the link below:
This blog serves a two-fold purpose. First, to help keep members of the Family Motor Coach Association's Military & Veterans Chapter (FMCA-MVC) updated on current events. Second, to help provide information to potential new members and the application for New Members and current members to renew.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Thank you for your service!
In honor of Veterans Day, we would like to thank all of those who have served in the armed forces. Your dedication and sacrifice have allowed our nation to remain free.
Veterans Day coincides with other holidays, including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I; major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect.
The United States previously observed Armistice Day. The U.S. holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.
Veterans Day coincides with other holidays, including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I; major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect.
The United States previously observed Armistice Day. The U.S. holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.
Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps!
Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps!
On Nov. 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress resolved to create two battalions of Continental Marines for the War of Independence from Britain. In 1798, President John Adams signed the Act establishing the United States Marine Corps. The 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, General John A. Lejeune, issued Marine Corps Order No. 47, Series 1921, directing that on Nov. 10 every year, in honor of the Corps' birthday, the Order's summary of the history, mission and tradition of the Corps be read to every command.
On Nov. 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress resolved to create two battalions of Continental Marines for the War of Independence from Britain. In 1798, President John Adams signed the Act establishing the United States Marine Corps. The 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, General John A. Lejeune, issued Marine Corps Order No. 47, Series 1921, directing that on Nov. 10 every year, in honor of the Corps' birthday, the Order's summary of the history, mission and tradition of the Corps be read to every command.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
MVC Officers Update
Just an update for our members... here is a list of the current Military Veteran's Chapter officers with contact information:
President Dell Jackson 209-471-3905
Vice President Roy Holt 760-218-2306
Secretary Glenda Milner 573-747-7653
Treasurer Tom Braum 303-903-0314
Nat'l Director George Young 717-658-4970
Monday, September 18, 2017
Happy 70th Birthday USAF!
Today marks the 70th birthday of the United States Air Force. Celebrate the newest branch of our Armed Forces, created by the National Security Act of 1947.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Please keep our past National Director in your thoughts
Bob Cerney, our past National Director has been admitted to a hospital in Las Vegas with blood clots. Please keep Bob in your thoughts and prayers. If you would like to send Bob get well wishes, please send them to his email, .
Monday, August 21, 2017
New Emails
The Military Veterans Chapter of FMCA has been updating the way we communicate out to members. We have sent a number of emails recently (the latest email was sent yesterday with a subject of Military Veterans Chapter Newsletter and it was mainly about the appointment of a new treasurer) and some of the email addresses are not going through.
If you have NOT received any of these recent emails, please send an email to so we can change your email on file to your current email.
If you have NOT received any of these recent emails, please send an email to so we can change your email on file to your current email.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Membership Application Updated
The FMCA Military Veterans Chapter application has been updated. Please find it located at this link:
MVC Membership Application
Print it out, fill it in and mail it according to the instructions and we look forward to seeing you at the next rally!
MVC Membership Application
Print it out, fill it in and mail it according to the instructions and we look forward to seeing you at the next rally!
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Happy Birthday U.S. Coast Guard!

On Aug. 4, 1790, the U.S. Coast Guard was created by Congress, which authorized Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton to build a small fleet of 10 cutters to protect the coast. As the Coast Guard marks its 225th birthday and continues to serve a critical role under the Department of Homeland Security.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
FMCA Military Veterans Chapter featured in June 2017 FMCA Magazine Chapter Spotlight
The Military Veterans Chapter of FMCA was featured in the June 2017 issue of the Family Motor Coaching magazine. Here is the article, just in case you may have missed it:
June 2017
The Military Veterans chapter is alive and growing. This year, many new members joined our group at the Southeast Area Rally in February and during FMCA’s 95th International Convention in March. We now have approximately 300 families, and we have plenty of room for more.
Our chapter was formed in 2010 and is an international chapter. Besides being an FMCA member, members must be either active duty or honorably discharged from the United States or Canadian armed forces or National Guard.
We are asking all veterans to join us, as we have social activities and also help fellow veterans who are less fortunate than we are.
We hold our chapter business meetings at FMCA conventions. If you’re a veteran and want to check out our chapter, come visit us in Indianapolis, Indiana, during FMCA’s 96th International Convention, July 12 through 15.
During morning Coffee Hour on one day of the convention, while the Frustrated Maestros are playing anthems, we present flags representing branches of the military. At area rallies, we participate in chapter fairs and socials.
We often have socials and joint rallies with members of FMCA’s Elk International chapter (Elks support veterans) and members of the Full Timers chapter. Our regular summer rally will take place after the Indianapolis convention.
As our chapter grows, we plan to form even more groups based on where members live. That way, they can gather at their own rallies and decide what local veterans organization to support and how they will do that. A group in Florida is 72 members strong and assisted in giving homeless veterans permanent housing through Hearts and Homes for Veterans Inc. in Cape Coral. A group of chapter members in Colorado is also active in procuring assistance for vets with various needs.
The Military Veterans chapter donated $1,000 in 2015 to a fund that helps veterans and their families, the Fisher House Foundation (
We keep in touch by using RVillage ( and our own blog (, where you can see pictures and learn about our outings. Our blog also has a membership application. Annual dues are $10.
For more information, contact me at or by phone at (209) 471-3905. See you in Indianapolis!
For general information about FMCA chapters, contact the Chapter Services Department at (513) 474-3622 or (800) 543-3622; .
If you would like your chapter to be featured in Chapter Spotlight, contact FMC associate editor Peggy Jordan, (800) 543-3622, ext. 212; .
Chapter Spotlight: Military Veterans
By Dell Jackson, F201821June 2017
The Military Veterans chapter is alive and growing. This year, many new members joined our group at the Southeast Area Rally in February and during FMCA’s 95th International Convention in March. We now have approximately 300 families, and we have plenty of room for more.
Our chapter was formed in 2010 and is an international chapter. Besides being an FMCA member, members must be either active duty or honorably discharged from the United States or Canadian armed forces or National Guard.
We are asking all veterans to join us, as we have social activities and also help fellow veterans who are less fortunate than we are.
We hold our chapter business meetings at FMCA conventions. If you’re a veteran and want to check out our chapter, come visit us in Indianapolis, Indiana, during FMCA’s 96th International Convention, July 12 through 15.
During morning Coffee Hour on one day of the convention, while the Frustrated Maestros are playing anthems, we present flags representing branches of the military. At area rallies, we participate in chapter fairs and socials.
We often have socials and joint rallies with members of FMCA’s Elk International chapter (Elks support veterans) and members of the Full Timers chapter. Our regular summer rally will take place after the Indianapolis convention.
As our chapter grows, we plan to form even more groups based on where members live. That way, they can gather at their own rallies and decide what local veterans organization to support and how they will do that. A group in Florida is 72 members strong and assisted in giving homeless veterans permanent housing through Hearts and Homes for Veterans Inc. in Cape Coral. A group of chapter members in Colorado is also active in procuring assistance for vets with various needs.
The Military Veterans chapter donated $1,000 in 2015 to a fund that helps veterans and their families, the Fisher House Foundation (
We keep in touch by using RVillage ( and our own blog (, where you can see pictures and learn about our outings. Our blog also has a membership application. Annual dues are $10.
For more information, contact me at or by phone at (209) 471-3905. See you in Indianapolis!
For general information about FMCA chapters, contact the Chapter Services Department at (513) 474-3622 or (800) 543-3622; .
If you would like your chapter to be featured in Chapter Spotlight, contact FMC associate editor Peggy Jordan, (800) 543-3622, ext. 212; .
Friday, July 21, 2017
2017 MVC Meeting Minutes from the 96th International Convention
Military Veterans Chapter Meeting
Thursday, July 12, 2017
Indianapolis, IN
1700 Hours
Call to order: Called to order by President, John Lee at 1707
hours. Members stood for Pledge of Allegiance.
Number of members present: 47 members and their guest
Invocation by: Wilma Jean.
National Officer present recognized: Gaye Young, National Secretar; Gary Milner
Midwest Area Vice President and David Kessler, INTO Area Vice President.
Officer Reports
President: In
attendance. Welcomed all members and
potential new members.
Secretary: Glenda Milner kept the minutes for the
meeting. Motion was made by Thomas
Giluya and seconded by Gary Milner not to read the minutes. Minutes can be found on the MVC blog at:
Vice President: In attendance. Dell Jackson reported that we
signed up 17 new members at this meeting.
Total membership is now 321 members.
The Chapter received 43 new members from the Southeast Area rally; 75
new members at International Convention in Chandler; and 10 new members
attending the Northwest Area rally. He
encouraged all members to read the article found in the latest FMCA magazine about
our Chapter.
National Director: In attendance. See New Business on his Governing Board
Alternative Director: In attendance. - Rev. Rich “Doc” Strait
Old Business:
are available for all members for $12.00.
Many members were wearing the new hats.
If you are interested in the available inventory, contact Dell
Jackson. John Lee indicated that the new shirts are
also available. He indicated he would
have them for members at the Donut/Coffee location.
New Business:
Director, Bob Cerney reported on the results of the
Wednesday Governing Board meeting. He
indicated a budgeting error on the Treasurer Report. The Chandler rally had a loss due to the
number of extra coaches in attendance versus the budgeted (forecasted) amount. The 2018 budget shows that some items have
been moved above the line.
Proposal #1
to change the Bylaws to reflect that same members under one FMCA number cannot serve concurrent (simultaneous)
terms on the Executive Board. This proposal failed.
Proposal #2 to change the language regarding
membership eligibility. It reads: Membership shall be open to any family unit
or individual regardless of race …adding “sex,
gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, religion,
color, marital or family status, age, nationality, disability or political
beliefs. The proposal failed. Conversation suggested that we end the
membership eligibility to just family or individual unit. The proposal may be to the next Governing
Board. P
Proposal #3 to the wording of
Family Motor Coach owners to recreation vehicle owners. Before vote was taken, the definition of
“recreational vehicle was defined”. The
vote was passed by the Governing Board.
The next step will be for every “F” number has the opportunity to vote on
whether to allow the predefined definition of “recreational vehicle”. FMCA will run three months of the voting
ballot in the monthly magazine and also the voting ballot can be downloaded
from the website and mailed in. The belief is that the change will generate
new members, therefore assisting the financial position of FMCA. Look for the ballots and vote. Additional Governing Board decisions was to consider Pomona California for the 2019
Winter Convention and 2020 in Wyoming or back to Oregon. The National Budget was also approved.
new FMCA National Officers are:
Walker, President
Rhett Porter, Senior Vice President
John Reynolds, Treasurer
Gaye Young, Secretary
Kessler, International Area VP, was invited to speak to the group. He introduced the next International Area rally
that will be held in Tucson, February 2018.
was made by Nick Farley to dispense of reading and reporting the Treasurer
Blog is up and going. See in RVillage
site to keep track of all members. Thank
you, Rev. Rich Strait, for keeping us updated.
reported that Volunteering at your National Conventions are very
rewarding. He suggested members seek out
that opportunity.
suggestion from the floor is that the Chapter identify members that can
organize social gatherings in geographical areas. Mr. Lee suggested that if members would volunteer
to be Wagonmaster for those events, that it would be a great way for members to
meet outside regular meetings. Southern
California, Wisconsin, South Carolina, Colorado, Florida, Georgia and
Washington State have people working on meeting locations and activities.
military veteran members were invited to an Elks gathering at 9:45 on Friday
July 13, 2017.
committee met (Dell Jackson, Roy Holt and Gary Milner) and recommended the
following officers for the next two years.
Nominated for President is Dell Jackson, Roy Holt for Vice President,
Secretary Glenda Milner, Treasurer Skip Kazmarek, National Director George
Young, and Rev. Richard Strait as Alternate National Director. Floor nominations were asked for each
position and no nominations were provided from the floor. A motion was made to elect all by acclamation
by Patricia Sonny and seconded by Gary Milner.
Committee has been conducted and no financial issues were found. Report will be filed.
were made for gifts for the members in attendance.
Jackson recognized John Lee for his hard work as President for the Military
Veterans Chapter for 4 years. He also
thanked Bob Cerney for
serving as the Chapter’s National Director. Carol Lee for Secretary
Jackson asked that the ladies consider making quilt blankets for Veterans that
are recovering from surgery.
are also being made for members who prepaid dues for five years; postage paid
by the members.
meeting at 18:15.
Here is a photo of the Salute to the Troops being played by the Frustrated Maestros with the Military Veterans Chapter presenting the flags. This was on Saturday at the 96th International Convention We have several members in the Frustrated Maestros that stood up when their respective military branch's song (or songs as one member served in two branches) was played!
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Photos from Cirque Da Paloza enterntainment on the last night of the 96th FMCA International Convention.
Here are a few photos from Friday evening's entertainment which was Cirque Dapolza.
In the above photo the performers are gathered on the stage.
In the above photo Charlie Adock, Former FMCA President, is on stage with "Baby." Love the hat Charlie!
In the above picture you can see six of the ladies that do the aerial gymnastics on those ribbons. They moved with eloquence and grace. The ladies were actually from the local Cirque Indy.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
REMINDER!! Today is the MVC & Elks Social at the 96th FMCA International Convention at Indy.
Today, 11am, in Seminar 11 is the MVC & Elks Social. Use the Green Tram to get there. Seminar 11 is in the Farm Bureau Building.
Here a some pictures from the FMCA 96th International Convention going on in Indy.
In the top two pictures is Dell hard at work recruiting new members. Dell and John Lee also were distributing hats and shirts to those that ordered them.
In the top two pictures is Dell hard at work recruiting new members. Dell and John Lee also were distributing hats and shirts to those that ordered them.
They all disappeared on Dell! Don't worry Dell, it was not something you said...LOL.
The above picture is from last night's entertainment. Not a good picture due to the reflection on the video screen.
This is a better picture. The performer was William Florian (on the right). William is a full-timer and actually was part of the 60's group: The New Christy Minstrels. The theme of his show was "The John Denver Story."
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Virtual Vietnam Wall
Virtual Vietnam
click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city and the names will
appear. Then click on their names. It should show you picture of the person,
or at least their bio and medals.
This really is an amazing web site. Someone spent a lot of time
and effort to create it.
I hope that everyone who receives this appreciates what those who
served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country. The link below
is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam War with the names,
bio's and other information on our lost heroes.
Those who remember that time frame, or perhaps lost friends or
family can look them up on this site.
Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people whose
names are listed.
Virtual Vietnam Wall
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Northwest Rally
Here is a photo of the FMCA-MVC table at the recent Northwest Rally. Ten new members signed up at the rally!!
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
The MVC meeting is
scheduled at the FMCA Convention in Indianapolis for Wednesday, July
12 at 5pm located in Seminar 3. The MVC should be the first chapter
to receive news/results from the Governing Board Meeting which is earlier in
the day.
The “Social” luncheon” for MVC members
is scheduled for Friday, July 14th in Seminar 11
with the Elks Chapter members at approximately 11am which is after their
meeting. Of interest, also on Friday at 1pm is the FMCA “Ice Cream Social.”
In the E-news of Tuesday, 5/23 there
was a request: Please REPLY to this email if you
plan to attend the MVC Meeting and participate in the “Social” after
the Elks Chapter Meeting. The MVC has
almost 300 members…as of this writing 20 have replied, with 12 stating they
will attend. A “head count” is needed for the caterer.
Consider ordering the great looking MVC shirt (must pre-order by June 1st) or getting one of the attractive MVC hats (available at Indy). Contact MVC VP Dell Jackson by phone or email.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
From the desk of the Chapter President
MVC Members,
The time has come! I know many
are planning to attend the FMCA Convention in Indianapolis, July 12-15. Please send an email to me if you plan to attend the MVC Meeting and
participate in the “Social” after the Elks Chapter Meeting. A “head
count” is needed. The “tentative” PLAN is for the MVC Meeting to be on the
evening of the FMCA Governing Board Meeting, whereas the MVC National Director
will be able to give us a report on the important issues voted on and National
Officer election. The time and place of the MVC Meeting should be available
in the near future.
The FMCA National Election as the
Chapter election is conducted by the slate of candidates, plus nominations from
the floor. At present, you have seen the candidates for FMCA office with their
qualifications listed in the May issue of the FMC magazine. MVC member Rett
Porter (F369084) is candidate for FMCA Senior VP as MVC member Jack Mayberry
(F369343). For more information on both, I suggest you contact them directly:
Rett, email:,
phone: 303-910-3900; and Jack, email:,
phone: 520-250-7155. You have been informed of the issues on which the FMCA
National Directors will be voting. If you have questions and or an opinion,
please contact the MVC ND Bob Cerney, email:; or
phone: 530.518.0541. The MVC ND vote is per the membership’s desire.
The MVC will have officer
elections at the Chapter Meeting. I have advocated members to active in the
Chapter, that is, be candidates for office in the Chapter, volunteer to help
out with events, i.e., Chapter Fairs, Color Guard presentations, rallies, etc.
After being MVC President for two terms, 4 years, I will not be a candidate for
MVC President. The MVC VP, Dell Jackson will be a Candidate for President.
Candidates for the positions of Vice President and Secretary are
needed. These positions will be filled. If you consider being a
candidate for any Chapter Office, contact a member of the Nominating Committee:
Dell Jackson, F201821:; members: Roy Holt,
F356669 :; and Gary Milner, F409834: Or if would like
additional information on any of these positions, you may contact me.
The MVC has some “neat” items for members at
cost: A very attractive cap with the MVC logo embroidered
for a $12 donation, available at Indianapolis. A top quality polo shirt,
black 100% polyester with the MVC logo embroidered may be
pre-ordered (must order by June 1st) from MVC VP Dell
Jackson, email:;
phone: 209-471-3905. Pre-ordered prices are $35 for large size; $37 for
XL; $39 for XXL (prices include sales tax). The shirts will be available for
pick up at Indianapolis. If you need them shipped, add $6 for S & H
(package and postage in the USA). Members of the MVC should wear them at
rallies to show their pride of being a veteran and member of the Chapter,
especially when participating in branch of service / color guard ceremonies.
At the moment, there are a few slots left for
the MVC/Elk/ Full Timers/ 3T’s Post Rally. We would love to have you, but
please check with me for availability as registration will be shut off when the
slots are filled.
Safe travels. See you at Indy,
JohnJohn Lee F202724
President MVC FMCA
Phone: 256-366-6630
Thursday, May 11, 2017
MVC/Elks Post Rally Filling Up FAST!
The post rally with the MVC and the Elks chapter is filling up fast with MVC, Elks, Full Timers, and 3 T's. Many of you belong to two or more of the above chapters. That is why the post rally involves all three. The cost of the rally is only $100 per coach with two person.
Please select the MVC/Elk/Full Timer Post Rally Registration Page/Tab to access the registration form.
You must contact Michelle at Grandpa's RV Park (765-962-7907) to reserve your site. Once we fill up her park, we may have to shut off registration.
Please select the MVC/Elk/Full Timer Post Rally Registration Page/Tab to access the registration form.
You must contact Michelle at Grandpa's RV Park (765-962-7907) to reserve your site. Once we fill up her park, we may have to shut off registration.
MVC Ball Cap and Polo Shirts Pre-Orders.
Hello FMCA-MVC Chapter members!
The FMCA-MVC has some an attractive ball cap and polo shirt that have our MVC logo on them. The ball cap is for a modest donation of $12. The polo shirt is black and the logo is embroidered on it. Constructed of 100% polyester. Pre-ordered prices for the shirt are $35 for large; $37 for XL; $39 for XXL. Yes, prices do include sales tax. The shirts will be available for pick-up at the Crossroads to Fun convention in Indianapolis this summer (July 12-15). Which I do remind you that registration is currently open for. If you need them shipped to you please add $6 for S&H (USA). I have included pictures of each below the paragraphs.
Members of the MVC should wear them at rallies to show their pride in being a veteran and member of the FMCA-MVC chapter, especially when participating in branch of service/color guard ceremonies.
For more information please contact our chapter Vice President Dell Jackson. His email is Phone is 209-471-3905.
The FMCA-MVC has some an attractive ball cap and polo shirt that have our MVC logo on them. The ball cap is for a modest donation of $12. The polo shirt is black and the logo is embroidered on it. Constructed of 100% polyester. Pre-ordered prices for the shirt are $35 for large; $37 for XL; $39 for XXL. Yes, prices do include sales tax. The shirts will be available for pick-up at the Crossroads to Fun convention in Indianapolis this summer (July 12-15). Which I do remind you that registration is currently open for. If you need them shipped to you please add $6 for S&H (USA). I have included pictures of each below the paragraphs.
Members of the MVC should wear them at rallies to show their pride in being a veteran and member of the FMCA-MVC chapter, especially when participating in branch of service/color guard ceremonies.
For more information please contact our chapter Vice President Dell Jackson. His email is Phone is 209-471-3905.
Friday, April 14, 2017
FMCA-MVC on RVillage.Com
Ever wondered how you can begin to meet other members of our chapter?
Ever wondered how to keep up with the others that you have already met?
Ever wondered if there are any MVC members in the park you are in or nearby?
Would you like to join in on some discussions with other members?
Would you like to help us improve the communication to each other?
Need a recruitment tool to help get others to join the chapter?
If you said YES to ANY of these questions then you want to join us on the FMCA-MVC Members Only group on RVillage. Joining RVillage is FREE! Joining the group there is FREE! Click on FMCA-MVC on RVillage to join. Select "Contact Owner" and send a message with your name and FMCA number so your Military & Veterans Chapter membership can be verified.
Here is a brief video that provides an introduction to RVillage.
Ever wondered how to keep up with the others that you have already met?
Ever wondered if there are any MVC members in the park you are in or nearby?
Would you like to join in on some discussions with other members?
Would you like to help us improve the communication to each other?
Need a recruitment tool to help get others to join the chapter?
If you said YES to ANY of these questions then you want to join us on the FMCA-MVC Members Only group on RVillage. Joining RVillage is FREE! Joining the group there is FREE! Click on FMCA-MVC on RVillage to join. Select "Contact Owner" and send a message with your name and FMCA number so your Military & Veterans Chapter membership can be verified.
Here is a brief video that provides an introduction to RVillage.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
New Membership Application
New ($15.00)_____ Renew ($10.00_____ Reinstate($10.00)_____
Amount Paid $_______Cash______ Check #________ Date__________
Referred by:___________________________________#F____________
Make check payable to: Military Veterans Chapter, FMCA
Or use PayPal to pay your dues safely and securely using a bank account or credit or debit card:
Please mail your check or money order to:
Tom Braum, Treasurer
3916 N. Potsdam Ave. PMB 1550
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
PayPal email: _________________________________________
Tom Braum, Treasurer
3916 N. Potsdam Ave. PMB 1550
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
If you used PayPal to pay your dues, please add your email address and indicate PayPal as your method of payment.
PayPal email: _________________________________________
(FMCA #) Last Name First Name MI Spouse
City and State
Zip + 4
E-Mail Address (please keep
your address current with (us)
I certify by my signature
below, that I am on Active Duty with or was Honorably Discharged from the
United States or Canadian Armed Forces or National Guard.
to December 31st.
We do not pro-rate dues.
Please include a copy of your FMCA membership card.
Please put your FMCA# on the bottom of your check.
We can only keep one address in our files
at a time. If necessary, send us a change
of address when you change your permanent
Thursday, March 30, 2017
MVC-FMCA Presenting the Colors With the Frustrated Maestros
Military Veterans presenting Branch of Service Colors at FMCA-Chandler, AZ Rally with the Frustrated Maestros 03/10/2017.
Military Veterans Chapter Meeting
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Chandler, AZ
1500 Hours
Call to order: Called to order by Dell Jackson, 1500
hours. Members stood for Pledge of
Number of members present: 51 members (14 non-members) and their guest
Invocation by: Gary Milner
National Officer present recognized: David Kessler, Intro Area Vice President;
Sonny Gillespie (former Intro Area Vice President). Rett Porter, running for National Senior Vice
Officer Report:
President: John Lee was not in attendance.
Secretary: Glenda Milner kept the minutes for the
meeting. Minutes can be found on the MVC
blog at:
VP: Not in attendance. Announcement of resignation of Gary Wilson
due to personal concerns.
Director: Not in attendance - Bob Cerney
Director: Not in attendance - Rich Strait
Rally. A combined Tri-chapter rally was
held that was a combination of Full timers, Elks and Military Veterans
Chapter. The combined group had a pre-rally
before this year’s FMCA International rally in Chandler. This combined group will try to meet before
each summer and spring International rallies.
This year the Elks were in charge; pre-rally was held at Camp
Verde. 24 rigs were in attendance at
Camp Verde. There was a discussion of a
pre-rally for the International rally held in Indianapolis in July but the 4th
of July was a concern. An email was sent
to members and it was determined that a post-rally best fit our member’s
Candidates for Office: Because of the resignation of Chapter’s
current Vice President, nominations will be accepted for a new Vice
President. Nomination committee members
present were Dell Jackson, Gary Milner and Roy Holt. Submission of recommendation for VP: Dell Jackson was nominated for Vice
President. Floor nominations were asked of
the members three times. Ed Molinsky
recommended to close the nominations and were seconded by Gary Milner. Membership voted unanimously for Dell Jackson
to serve as the new Vice President.
Audit Committee. An audit committee is
needed to be organized to complete an audit while in attendance at the FMCA
rally in Indianapolis, IN. Volunteers Gary
Milner, Jerry Young and Jim Sennett were nominated.
John Lee will have been the MVC President for 4 years at the July meeting. He has been President for 3.5 years; agreed
to serve two more years. Dell Jackson
has agreed to step up the following year to be President. The position of MVC Secretary will be open
and nominations will be considered in Indianapolis. The MVC Secretary will be responsible for
maintain the membership roster, record the minutes of meetings and other duties
assigned by the MCV President. The
candidate for National Director is George Young and Richard Strait is running
for the Alternate National Director position.
Richard has also agreed to add responsibilities for the new Director of Blog/Communications. Skip Kazmarek, Treasurer has also agreed to
serve another two year term.
Report. Covers the period of March 1,
2016 to February 28, 2017.
Checking $1,165.30
Savings $7,986.06 $
Income $
Expenses $(1,510.00)
Checking $1,500.30
Savings $7,994.03
Ending Balance $
report will be filed with minutes).
Appreciate the new membership. Our young officers are our Chapter’s future
and this Chapter appreciates their participation.
was wearing a hat that represented a sample members can purchase. The hat cost for members will be $12.00 plus
$5.00 shipping for a total of $17.00 per hat.
Orders for the hat can be collected at the Military Veterans Chapter
Booth at the Chandler rally. If the
member is attending the rally in Indianapolis in July, then prepaid hats can be
picked up there to save the shipping cost.
The Military Veterans chapter will have 4 dozen hats for members in
upcoming area rallies.
Military Veterans Chapter has been asked to post colors at all FMCA International
rallies wearing a black tee-shirt with the Chapter logo (picture of example
provided for members). Mr. Jackson asked
members if there is an interest in others purchasing that same tee-shirt. Membership suggested that a Polo shirt should
also be available for ordering. Discussion
about the difference in prices was brought to the floor. Price estimates could be $12 for a tee-shirt
and approximately $25 for a Polo shirt (Note:
John Lee sent an email that indicated the Polo shirts will be around
$35). The goal is to have one price for
either shirt regardless of ordered size.
The FMCA rally held in Indianapolis will be where orders can be
taken. Once the orders are taken, then
the shirt manufacturer will ship to member’s home address. Discussion raised the option of a different
colors for those that are not on flag detail at rallies. Motion was made to seek information about the
shirt options and then let membership know the options available. Members voted that they would prefer a
quality Polo Shirt versus a tee-shirt option. Women’s choices may be limited,
therefore may need to order men’s shirts.
Shirts with or without pockets was also discussed.
July 16-19 post rally in Indianapolis. An email was sent out regarding those
dates. Two Elks lodges are being
considered for the dinner and activities for those in attendance. Email will be sent when final plans are
determined. Rally sign-up form will be also
and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee has been discussed for a future meeting. A lot of military history is available in
this area. Membership suggested that all
Chapter meetings should be in conjunction with an Area or National Rally.
Suggestion: In Congress in 2007, all
military veterans are allow to stand and
salute the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Member Suggestion: A suggestion was made that meetings should
first recognize God first and then recognition of country second.
Vice President stated that he needed four
volunteer members to serve on a flag detail for the rally on Friday morning. Need one member, for each branch, to carry their respective service flags.
A social gathering has been organized for 1700 Hours. The gathering will
be open to all Elks and Military Veteran members.
Meeting. Ed Molinski made the motion,
seconded by David Fernandez to adjourn.
Adjourned at 1550.
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