Friday, April 14, 2017

FMCA-MVC on RVillage.Com

Ever wondered how you can begin to meet other members of our chapter?

Ever wondered how to keep up with the others that you have already met?

Ever wondered if there are any MVC members in the park you are in or nearby?

Would you like to join in on some discussions with other members?

Would you like to help us improve the communication to each other?

Need a recruitment tool to help get others to join the chapter?

If you said YES to ANY of these questions then  you want to join us on the FMCA-MVC Members Only group on RVillage.  Joining RVillage is FREE!   Joining the group there is FREE!  Click on FMCA-MVC on RVillage to join.  Select "Contact Owner" and send a message with your name and FMCA number so your Military & Veterans Chapter membership can be verified.

Here is a brief video that provides an introduction to RVillage.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

New Membership Application

New ($15.00)_____ Renew ($10.00_____ Reinstate($10.00)_____
Amount Paid $_______Cash______ Check #________  Date__________
Referred by:___________________________________#F____________

Make check payable to: Military Veterans Chapter, FMCA

Or use PayPal to pay your dues safely and securely using a bank account or credit or debit card:


Please mail your check or money order to:
Tom Braum, Treasurer
3916 N. Potsdam Ave. PMB 1550
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

If you used PayPal to pay your dues, please add your email address and indicate PayPal as your method of payment.

PayPal email: _________________________________________

(FMCA #)        Last Name                        First Name                         MI                                   Spouse
Street Address

City and State                                                                                                               Zip + 4
Phone:                                                         Cell(1)                                         Cell(2):

E-Mail Address (please keep your address current with (us)

I certify by my signature below, that I am on Active Duty with or was Honorably Discharged from the United States or Canadian Armed Forces or National Guard.

(signature) _____________________________________________________________________
MEMBERSHIP DUES YEAR IS January 1st to December 31st.
We do not pro-rate dues.

Please include a copy of your FMCA membership card.
Please put your FMCA# on the bottom of your check.

We can only keep one address in our files at a time. If necessary, send us a change
of address when you change your permanent address.