Friday, June 29, 2018

By-Laws Voting Clarification

I did not mean to convey that electronic voting
was available, we just want your feelings on
the matter.

With the sharp eyes of our Past President, John Lee, 
we have identified 4 more Articles that need updating and they are....

Article II   Para 1   "coach" should read "Recreational Vehicle"
Article III  Para 3    "motor coach" should read "recreational vehicle"
Article IV  Para 3A "motor Coach (motorhome)" should read
                               "recreational vehicle"
Article VI  Para 3A "coach" should be "recreational vehicle"

Dell Jackson, President

Please go to the MVC webpage to take the survey on the new By-Laws at:

Monday, June 4, 2018

Gillette Convention Dinner and Breakfast RSVP's Needed

Need RSVP's For Dinner and if want breakfast by June 25th. Dinner provided by MVC to its members and spouse.

Dinner at Elks Lodge Friday 7/20/18 right after our Meeting.
Elks Lodge is across the street from Cam Plex.

Dinner menu:

Pork Loin
Hashbrown cheesy potatoes
Baked beans
Water and Lemonade

Music by a local DJ during Dinner

If no RSVP, no dinner...Elks Lodge needs accurate numbers for food preparation.

BREAKFAST  - ALL YOU CAN EAT - Your cost $9.00 per person:

Biscuits and gravy
Bacon and sausage
Scrambled eggs
Coffee and Juice

RSVP Please to:
Dell Jackson, President
Military Veterans Chapter of FMCA