Saturday, November 24, 2018

Chapter Meeting Minutes from Gillette WY Convetion.

Military Veterans Chapter Meeting Minutes from 20 July 2018 Gillette, WY - FMCA Convention

Call to Order by President, Dell Jackson at 4:33 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance Invocation
Introduction of National Officers, Jon Walker, President, Rett Porter, Sr Vice President and Charlie Adcock, Immediate Past President, Charlie spoke to membership

Introduction of INTO Officers None

Reading of Minutes of previous meeting 15 March 2018, Motion Carried Introduction of New Members
Treasurers Report

*Removed $1,000 from PayPal to Regular Account, Motion Carried Introduction of MVC Acting Secretary Marie Dickinson
Presidents Report

*There there has been an increase of 100 members and 65 were picked up at Perry, GA

*Website is reported up and working after two years of waiting. There are 37 Chapters enrolled

*There will be a Flag presentation on Saturday during the coffee and donut hour Vice Presidents Report including Governing Board Results
*Reported the Governing Board had had a great meeting

*Jon Walker reported the FMCA Membership is finally turning around present membership is up to 76000 and counting.

*The NEW changes to  By-Laws were accepted to read as follows: 11the term Recreational Vehicle is defined as a self-contained wheeled vehicle that includes  permanently  install cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities". Therefore, motor coach, motor home, and coach  will all be known as recreational vehicle.

*Added to By-Laws All Towable Vehicles can now join FMCA

*Be advised new information will be onthe Website for the Winter/Spring FMCA Convention in Perry, GA

*Past Budget of $5 million and No dipping into the Reserve Account


Sr. MSgt, USAF, Scott Wold, A100% Disabled Veteran received a job with Tiffin Coaches and a member of FMCA was introduced to the member hip

Old Business:

A Revision of By-laws to accept Recreation Vehicles, as follows, to finalize those submitted as approved at the Perry, GA meet ing .

Definition to read "the term recreational Vehicle is defined as a self-contained wheeled vehicle that includes permanently installed cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities"

The Articles to be changed are as posted and emailed to all members. Article II Para I "coach" becomes "Recreational Vehicle"
Article Ill Para 3 "motor coach" becomes "Recreational Vehicle" Article Ill Para 5 "motor home" becomes "Recreational Vehicle"
Article Ill Para 6 "qualifying motor coach" becomes "Recreational Vehicle" Article IV Para 3A "motor coach (motor home)" becomes "Recreational Vehicle" Article VI Para 3A "coach" becomes "Recreational Vehicle"
Discussion and Motion made and Carried.

Parking at International Conventions-Area Groups want to be parked together instead of parked all over the convention areas; this would make for better group business and get-togethers.

MVC would like to provide a meal for MVC Members ONLY with Happy Hour-NO ONE REPLIED

Members are asking for a List of Veteran Friendly Campgrounds in the USA. Now only have for Disabled or 100% Veterans.

New Business:

Lap Robe Distribution, Marion Braum and Marie Dickinson to Co-Host

*Please contact these women if you are making lap robes and would like to send therri out to needed Veterans as a friendly jester in Hospitals and Nursing Home or at home. Just send Veterans name- and address through Vet to Vet. Five lap robes were given to VFW POST in

Gillette, WY for some of their needy members in Nursing Homes. Presentation was made at the Dinner at the VFW and Presented by Co Host, Marie Dickinson

*Shepherds for Lost Sheep, Donation, dogs for needy Veterans. Motion made and carried for MVC to match donations from convention. Check was sent out immediately.

By-Law change presented by Past President John Lee. John spoke to change our By-Laws to allow electronic voting as presented and approved at Governing Board M eet ing. Motion made and passed. To finalize at Perry, GA meeting in March 2019.

Future Rallies:

*Future Rallies will go out on the Website.

*FMCA Spring Rally in Perry, GA. Wagon Masters are: George Young. And?

*Flag Presentation will beSat morning during coffee hour members needed to carry flags

Past Rally Report:

Northwest Rally activities had to be cancelled as no member participation

Great Lakes Area Rally pre rally had to be cancelled due to no member participation

Good of the Chapter:

Members have suggested 2 new membership eligible ca_t egories,          surviving spouse of a retired Veteran and a Department of Defense retiree as they are imbedded with active servicemen and face the same dangers. These will besubmitted and voted on at the Perry, GA meeting in March 2019

Adjournment  Motion made, carried Submitted by Acting Secretary, Marie Dickinson