Thursday, June 27, 2019

Letter From the President

To all members:

RE:  Annual Business Meeting at Minot, Fri Aug 16th, 5:00 PM.  

New By-Law changes:  ARTICLE III - MEMBERS

1.a (numbering added to second paragraph)  

1.b Eligible member must certify that they are on Active Duty with or was Honorably Discharged from the United States or Canadian Armed Forces or National Guard with their signature on the Membership Application.

1.c Is a widow or widower of a Veteran.

1.d Department of Defense Employee who was embedded with our Active Military.

Number 1 b is to correct our current by-laws that omitted this requirement.

Numbers c and d were requests of our membership, two notices where sent prior to the March meeting in Perry and was on that meeting agenda. 

Election of officers:

Charlie Adcock, chairman of the nominating, committee has submitted the following slate of officers:

President:                    Bob Weithofer 
Vice President :           Roy Holt
Secretary:                    Gloria Adcock
National Director:       Jim Fitzpatrick
Alt Nat'l Dir:               Richard Strait 

FMCA Officers Elections:

By now you have all received your Family RV Magazine and you know all the people running for office. Your officers have communicated and are voting for the following unless you, the chapter  membership, have a compelling reason you wish to share.

National President                              Jon Walker
National Senior Vice President           Errett A. “Rett” Porter III
National Secretary                              Ken Carpenter Jr.
National Treasurer                               John Reynolds

These candidates where selected because of your officers’ personal knowledge of their qualifications.

This is my last communication as your President.  I appreciate and thank all of you members who have helped build this chapter from 180 members to over 450 in the last 2 ½ years.

Dell Jackson.

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