Friday, June 20, 2014

Minutes from the Perry GA Reunion

Minutes of MVC FMCA Meeting held at Perry, GA Reunion on March 18, 2014, 4:30pm EDT, in Seminar 3.

A semi-annual meeting of the Military Veterans Chapter of the FMCA was held Tuesday March 18, 2014 at 4:30pm in Seminar 3 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, Georgia. There were approximately 74 members in attendance which included 15 new members and 14 renewals

The meeting was called to order at 4:38pm by MVC President John Lee. The only officers present were the President and Secretary, Carol Lee. Other officers were excused due to medical, personal or work obligations.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Wilma Jean Alexander gave the invocation. National officers, included MVC member/FMCA president Charlie Adcock were introduced. Other officers including MVC member/INTO president Al Vormittag were recognized.

Minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting at Gillette, Wyoming were requested by motion not to be read, motion seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s report was also requested by motion to not be read, motion seconded and passed.

National Director’s report was not available, as neither the National Director or Alternate National Director were present. No report was submitted.

Report of the combined Elk/MVC Pre-rally held in Columbus, GA on March 6-10, 2014 was given by wagonmaster, John Lee. Friday, March 7th was a tour of Ft. Benning with a Ranger Demo, lunch at the commissary, shotgun demo by Olympic medalists, etc.; Saturday the day was spent at the Infantry Museum with breakfast and dinner at VFW Post 665; Sunday most went to Andersonville the site of a Confederate Civil War Prison Camp, Monday was on their own with many sites and things to do in Columbus with a wrap dinner at Ezell’s Catfish Restaurant where everyone had plenty to eat. Bob Cerney had a few donated gifts distributed by random drawing.

Under New Business:

A Pre-rally is proposed at the Madras Gun Club in Oregon with MVC member Bob Pruel as wagonmaster. Dates and other details will be forth coming.

 Volunteers for a MVC Nominating Committee were requested. Three members are needed and will have to be selected (and required by Chapter By-laws to be voted upon) by the annual meeting in Redmond.  Their duties can, but does not exclude selecting themselves as candidates for office. The Chapter President will be soliciting members for these positions (and officer candidates) between now and the annual meeting in Redmond.

There was a request for three members who are going to Redmond to audit the MVC Treasurer.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned for a “pizza party” sponsored by Lazy Day’s RV Sales.

Submitted: Carol Lee, Secretary MVC FMCA  

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